Life in Base Camp Echo

As the last light of the day fades away, a few thoughts on the check in process and life in Base Camp Echo.  First the new Ruby Welcome Center is very nice, and check in was quick and painless. A change this year, they allowed staff to drive onto the property drop your gear off at your tent and then head back to the Welcome center to park.

I got back to Base Camp Echo around 10:30 AM and proceeded to put the cot together.  After a quick tutorial I found on youtube, I got it done!
Completed Bunk Bed Cots
Lunch was the pack your own, decent selection, beef jerky, fruit, assorted bars and Sweet and Sour Chicken in bread, which I could not bring myself to try!

Dinner was quick and you had four options, to choose from, saw some old friends from Austin and a few of our volunteers from Greater Alabama.  Lots of rain and lightening throughout the afternoon, but a glorious sunset to inspire and amaze, God grace and love shining on the Jamboree.

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