Jamboree Flashback - 2005 National Scout Jamboree

As I prepare to head out for the 2017 National Scout Jamboree, I often think about my previous Jamboree experiences, especially the 2005 Jamboree.  I was asked by now retired Regional Director, Larry Otto, to serve as one of his Aides for the Northeast Region.  Along with the other aide, Jamie Shearer, who currently serves as a Area Director in the Northeast Region.  We had quite a experience those two weeks in the heat and humidity of AP Hill!  From the march in the heat to the arena show, that was canceled, and the march again to the arena show, this time not canceled and a rescheduled visit by President Bush.  It was a exciting, exhausting and exhilarating experience.

Here are some photo's of from that Jamboree.

JT Dabbs and Doug Dittrick (Camp Commissioner)

Northeast Region HQ Entrance

President Bush at Arena Show

Larry Otto (Regional Director & Hab Butler (Camp Chief)

JT Dabbs and Hab Butler

Jamie Shearer and Had Butler

Hanging out with some of our outstanding Youth Staff
I have kept up with many of the great volunteers and professionals that were part of that team, what great friendships and memories!  Here is a list of that 2005 HQ Team

Hab Butler
Camp Chief - NER

J. T. Dabbs
Aid to the Camp Director

Bobby Davis
Mobilization & Activities Coordinator

Robert G. Dealaman
Assistant Camp Commissioner

Douglas H. Dittrick
Camp Commissioner

Cornelia Ellis

Charles H. Ferguson
Action Center Chairman

Jonathan E. Fuller
Youth Staff Aid

Douglas C. Fullman
Assistant Director/Support

John G. Gardner
Transportation Coordinator

Josh Greenman
Youth Staff Aid

Mark Kriebel
International Commissioner
Robert G. Legg
Action Center Director

 Larry Otto
Camp Director – NER

James W. Palmer, Jr.
Hospitality Officer

Jamie Shearer
Aid to the Camp Director
Thomas Voorhees
Youth Staff Aid

Woody Wiley
Regional Staff Coordinator

NE Region 2005 Jamboree Team Photo

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