Scout Sunday\Scout Sabbath

The Founder's Prayer
"Father of us all, we meet before Thee here today, numerous in the lands we come from and in the races we represent, but one in our Brotherhood under Thy Divine Fatherhood. We come before Thee with hearts grateful and gladdened by the many blessings Thou hast granted us and thankful that our Movement has prospered as acceptable in Thy sight. In return we would lay on Thine Altar, as our humble thank-offering, such sacrifice as we can make of self in service to others. We ask that during our communion here together we may, under Thy Divine Inspiration, gain a widened outlook, a clearer vision of all that lies open before us and of our opportunity. Thus we may then go forth with strengthened faith to carry on our mission of heightening the ideals and powers of manhood, and of helping through closer understanding to bring about Thy happier Rule of Peace and Goodwill upon Earth."
Written by Robert Stephenson Baden-Powell
for use in international events. 

Scouting has amazing relationships with faith based organizations all across our great country, and each February, units are encouraged to participate in a Scout Sunday\Scout Sabbath program with the faith based chartered organization.  The first Scout Sunday took place in 1914.

James E. West at the 1936Training Conference for Scout Executives, spoke at the Sunday Morning Convocation on March 15th, in that speech he said the following:

"One basic factor in our ability to win the confidence of the individual pastors and leaders of the various churches of all the denominations has been the very definite, clear-cut statements as to the religious principles of the bSA.  But the printed statement itself is not sufficient.  It is necessary that we who are leaders, bear in mind, yes, more, that we dramatize it and that we keep it before our own membership"
James E. West, March 15, 1936

Later in that session, Rev. Clarence W. Prickman, Rector, Episcopal /Church, Fairmont, West Virginia shared the message of Dr. William C. Covert, chairman of the Protestant committee on Scouting, 

"There are moral problems born of our times that specially threaten our boyhood and young citizenship, that cannot be met until our great religious units, every one in its place and in its own way, rise up to cooperate with the boy-helping movement and in a special manner with the Boy Scouts of America."
Dr. William C. Covert, March 15, 1936

Lord Robert S. S. Baden-Powell wrote that "religion is life itself at its best and every Scout should treat it as a manner of everyday life."

So Scouting recognizes the great importance of Duty to God and from its earliest days recognized the great importance of our faith based chartered organizations.

We can all do our part by participating in a Scout Sunday\Sabbath worship service.  There are a variety of resources to help you in planning and holding such a service.  Below is some information that will guide you in this effort.

Scout Sunday\Sabbath Resources:

Everything you need to know, Bryan on Scouting

Scouts Guide to Earning and Wearing a Religious Emblem

Show of faith: Ideas for how to honor Scout Sunday and Scout Sabbath

Scout Sunday - Catholic Committee on Scouting

P.R.A.Y. - Programs of Religious Activities with Youth

Some Video Resources

Believe it Live It: A Scout is Reverent

Growing in Our Faith: Greater Alabama Council

Growing in Our Faith: The Church of Christ in Scouting

Growing in Our Faith: Catholic Bishop Talks Scouting

Growing in Our Faith: LDS Church

Suggested Scout Sunday Service of Worship
(Adapt for your special day.)

Processional with U.S. flag, unit flag(s), and Faith Specific flag.

Call to worship
(Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer)

Opening hymn
(Composed and delivered by a Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer)

Responsive reading
(Suggest that money collected be used to support the local council camp chaplaincy program.)

Offertory prayers
(Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer)

(Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer)

Lord's Prayer
God and Country program
(Give a brief explanation; pass out fliers, cards, and envelopes for the pastor. Present awards to youth who have earned them.)

(Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer)

Other Ideas and Resources

  •           Greet church members and visitors
  •        Scouts assist during the service
  •        Bring Scouting elements to the service
  •       Serve food:  Scouts and Leaders fix breakfast before service for church members, or host a lunch after service.
  •       Present religious awards
  •       Recognize any Eagle Scouts that are in attendance, including those that may be members of the church, “Once an Eagle, always an Eagle”
  •        Unit Leaders and\or pastor do some light recruiting/advertising for your unit.  Encourage youth who are members of the church that they may want to consider joining scouting.
  •         Promote Scout Sunday on church website, marque and in bulletin.

Scouter Prayer

Dear Lord, from your judgment seat on high,
Look down on a Scoutmaster such as I.
Search me through and find me whole,
Then help me, Lord, to reach my goal.
Help me, Lord, to work for Thee,
Guard my homeland—keep it free.
Help me to work with others and be kind,
Helpful with my hands and mind.
Keep me, Lord, both well and strong,
To help growing boys along.
Control my thoughts, keep them right,
Sound, clean weapons for life's fight.
Protect my morals, keep them high,
Grant this to a Scouter 

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